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Name ServiceProvider Signatures
Short Description This signature contains all available constructors, properties, services and events of a specific provider
Class OTX Extension
Specified by ISO 13209-4


An OTX ExternalServiceProvider Extension can be a part of a system, a device, a database or a simple library. The ServiceProviderSignature describes the interface to an external system in terms of its services, events, properties and constructors. It is also possible to start and stop services of the provider.


  • Name
    Unique name throughout all global identifiers within the OTX document.
  • Specification
    Description of datatype signature
  • Visibility
    • Private
    • Packa­ge (Default)
    • Public
  • Elements
    Enumeration elements of the enumeration signature, each enumeration element assigns a unique name to a unique IntergerLiteral.


Name Data Type Class Default Cardinality Description
constructors esp:Constructors - [0..1] This container element holds a collection of constructor signatures describing the set of constructors available for a provider.
- constructor esp:ConstructorSignature - [1..*] This element describes constructor(s) that are needed to instantiate the specific OTXExternalServiceProvider Extension.
properties esp:Properties - [0..1] This container element holds a collection of property signatures describing the set of properties available for a provider.
- property esp:PropertySignature - [1..*] This element describes the propert(ies) of the OTXExternalServiceProvider Extension.
services esp:Services - [0..1] This container element holds a collection of service signatures describing the set of services available for a provider.
- service esp:ServiceSignature - [1..*] This element describes the services or methods of the OTXExternalServiceProvider Extension.
events esp:Events - [0..1] This container element holds a collection of event signatures describing the set of events available for a provider.
- event esp:EventSignature - [1..*] This element describes event(s) that can be fired by the OTXExternalServiceProvider Extension.