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At the very bottom of the OTP is the Status Bar. At the left side of the status bar, it shows the  current state (1) of the OTP such as ready state to run, a procedure / playlist command being executed or stopped or finished etc. At the right side, you can find the button displaying the  current MVCI- or MCD- Server (2) with the car icon , clicking on this button shall open the MVCI Server Configuration program to modify the current MVCI Server or to switch to another MVCI Server. On the right of the server button, there is the button displaying the  current ODX Database (3), clicking on this button shall open the "Diagnostic over Internet Protocols (DoIP)" dialog which enables you to change the current ODX Database (if the DoIP is selected in the "Vehicle Access", the hidden menu related to the DoIP configuration shall be expanded to edit, click here for more information about the DoIP configuration). Finally, you can click on the "Made with emotive" signature (4) at the right corner to open the emotive home page in the Internet browser.

The OTP status bar shows the current state information and the access to configure the