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Revision as of 07:39, 16 June 2016 by Js (talk | contribs)
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Describes main corrections, changes or enhancements of the Open Test Framework version history. To download the newest version please go to the License Portal.

HotFix from 15.06.2016 Version

Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 Including ASAM GDI Driver to MSI installer (4798)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 Structure/Enumeration: Missing features (4799)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 Export PTXs for whole solution (4770)
Gap/Lack OTX-Runtime-API Hide protected members in user documentation (4808)
Bug OTHERS Externe Projektreferenz kann nicht aufgelöst werden (4780)

HotFix from 09.06.2016 Version

Feature Open Test Framework 5 New implementation of MeasureLib for Webservice (4156)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Extern reference cannot be resolved anymore (4782)
Bug OTL Editor An exception occurs when viewing OTL code of the attached document (4472)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API An exception occurs when users run a certain PTX file in debug mode (4786)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API UnitTest APP can load an old protocol file (4746)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API Kill current process if async executeDiagService still running (4769)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Cannot load PTX with some imports (4784)
Bug PORSCHE Externe Projektreferenz kann nicht aufgelöst werden (4780)

HotFix from 02.06.2016 Version

Feature Open Test Framework 5 Support of encrypted runtime PTX (4619)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 The Return and the TerminateLanes can not stop the Loop in Parallel immediately (4733)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Differnt bugs relating to DiagCom (4675)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 An error dialog occurs when users click to opening combobox of Term property in SetParameterValue activity (4744)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Can not input Negate expression of a negative number or of a variable (4703)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 Support of special literals for Float (0, -0, INF, -INF and NaN) (4627)
Bug OTL Editor The Exception Type of the Handler is lost after making changes in OTL (4743)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API An UnknownTargetException occurs when running any procedures in project UnitTestLogicTest_DiagCom (4728)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Some cases of DiagCom extension can not stop when running with Java Runtime Api Sample (4735)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Java TestExecution displays incorrectly the number of errors (4736)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API An UnknownTargetException occurs when running some procedures of project UnitTestLogicTest_DiagCom in java TestExecution (4754)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API New property RuntimeManager.MaxExecutionMemory (4759)

HotFix from 25.05.2016 Version

Bug Open Test Framework 5 The result of Power activity is incorrect when Numeral is negative number and Exponent is 1/n ( n is odd number) (4700)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 PFPS DiagServer Exception: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt (4737)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Some cases of HMI extension get stuck or get wrong result only when running with Java Test Execution App (4692)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Java runtime Api Sample can not stop when running ExceptionHandling test cases (4730)
Gap/Lack OTX-JavaRuntime-API Error at setProject() (4702)
Gap/Lack OTX-JavaRuntime-API Implement GetDiagServiceFromException (4709)
Bug OTHERS Diagnose über PFPS funktioniert nicht mehr (4734)

HotFix from 20.05.2016 Version

Feature Open Test Framework 5 Integrate new RAC-MVCI (4514)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 A BaseX exception occurs when users input special character in the MetaData (4577)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 The Finally of Handler in a Parallel can not be executed if a Return is executed before it (4678)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 An Exception occurs when users use ListCreate with List<enumerationSignature> (4654)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 An exception occurs when running any procedures in a project using a division with the denominator is zero (4698)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Bugs relating to Math extension (4652)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 Removal of name restriction related to C# keywords (4581)
Feature OTX-JavaRuntime-API Term GetDbFunctionalClassesOfDiagService missed (4723)
Feature OTX-JavaRuntime-API Version number for java runtime api (4696)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Some cases of DiagCom extension get stuck or get wrong result only when running with Java Runtime Api Sample (4674)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Bugs relating to DiagCom (4673)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Problem when the OTX Package has the same name with some data types of the declarations (4588)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Some cases of File extension get stuck or get wrong result when running with Java Runtime Api Sample (4670)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Some cases of DataTypes extension get stuck or get wrong result when running with Java Runtime Api Sample (4671)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Cannot execute a procedure in Java with OTF if java runtime of java-runtime-api is running (4697)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API The display result in the Variable Trace of the activity GetAllResponses of Java is different to DotNet (4694)
Gap/Lack OTX-JavaRuntime-API Adapt changes from C# implementation (4435)
Gap/Lack OTX-JavaRuntime-API Make HMI dialogs stable and synchornize behaviour of the dialogs in Java and DotNet (4639)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API ProcessManager improvement (4717)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Orphaned DotNetOtxRunner processes (4715)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API COM-Interfaces (4665)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API PTX cache does not recognize updates (4691)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API COM-Event are not fired (4687)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API The ProcedureStarted event is not displayed when the ProcedureFinished event is unchecked (4677)
Bug OTHERS PTX-Cache erkennt Updates nicht (4690)

HotFix from 26.04.2016 Version

Feature Open Test Framework 5 New implementation of MeasureLib for Webservice (BlackBox support) (4156)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 Removal of StartUp Executable feature (4617)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 Removal of Deployment feature (4618)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 GetResponseState and ResultState runs incorrectly (4529)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Bug at mapping of response parameter of List<integer> (4668)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 The TerminateLanes can stop the MutexGroup prematurely (4524)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 The Finally of Handler can not be executed if a TerminateLanes is executed before it (4655)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Uses english CultureInfo in DateTime (4649)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Exception at EnumSignature (4657)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 Correct Diagcom exception mapping (4630)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 Support of special literals for Float: 0, -0, INF, -INF and NaN (4627)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 The ShowDocumentDialog does not throw the exact exception (InvalidReferenceException) (4640)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Some cases of DiagCom extension get stuck or get wrong result only when running with Java Runtime Api Sample (4674)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API MutexGroup does not work (4638)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API ListContainsValue and MapContainsValue activities are not correct in case of searching in complex data (4601, 4641, 4642)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Ln activity is not correct (4621)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API An OutOfBoundException occurs when users decode a bytefield having 8 bytes and encoding:OCT (4622)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API ConcurrentModificationException was not thrown when modify List or Map of Collection in ForEachLoop (4636)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API CloseComChannel wrong Exception was thrown (4643)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API The ThresholdExceededEventSource can not fire event in case the monitored variable is of type String (4646)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Getting wrong result when using Java Runtime Api Sample to run the attached ptx several times after loading ptx (4659)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API The procedure can not be finished if there is a TimerExpiredEventSource activity in the workflow (4664, 4666)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Return has no effect when putting in Parallel (4667)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Locator of ForEachLoop running with List gets wrong value (4672)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Parameter names of called procedure do not display correct in the Variable Trace (4634)
Gap/Lack OTX-JavaRuntime-API ScreenClosedEventSource can not fire event and pass the WaitForEvent (4631)
Gap/Lack OTX-JavaRuntime-API Increasing of HMI dialogs stablebility and synchornize behaviour of dialogs between Java and DotNet (4639)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Runtime Api Sample is stuck when running a certain ptx (4676)
Bug OTHERS Mapping einer DTC Variable (4629)
Bug OTHERS Event IRuntimeManagerEvent::ProcedureFinished wird nicht mehr gefeuert (4658)
Gap/Lack OTHERS COM-Schnittstelle inkompatibel geändert (4648)
Gap/Lack OTHERS Loggingausgaben können nicht gelesen werden, da kein Scrollbalken oder Zeilenumbruch (4633)

HotFix from 11.04.2016 Version

Bug Open Test Framework 5 Error at building project with new extensions in Java (4612)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 Replaces old XML prefix file to vwfile (4623)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 Check of schema errors in OTX documents during import (4584)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 Exceptions of FormatDate (4599)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API A NullException occurs when there is a procedure no realisation in the project (4616)

Release from 06.04.2016 Version

Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 Checking and removing schema error in OTX documents during import (4570)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 An exception occurs when users use ForEachLoop to retrieve the innermost element in complex list or map (3 or more levels) (4491)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Handler activity can catch wrong exception type (4591)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 TerminateLanes can not stop ProcedureCall prematurely (4509)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 Removal of option StartUp-Executeable and MSI-Delivery (4582)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 The WaitForEvent used with a closed EventSource does not throw the InvalidReferenceException as expected (4554)
Feature OTL Editor Exception after input List literal (4523)
Bug OTL Editor ElseIfBranch condition will overwrite after editing the IfBranch condition (4560)
Bug OTL Editor OpenScreen Action is missing in IntelliSense (4516)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Bugs relating to Debugging with Java (4438)
Main Task OTX-JavaRuntime-API Performance Optimization (4291)
Main Task OTX-JavaRuntime-API Custom screen/ screen mapping (4184)
Main Task OTX-JavaRuntime-API Realisation of new ASAM extensions (4436)
General OTX-JavaRuntime-API Optimize Runtime API (4363)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API No ProcedureFinished Event if an executed procedure finished via Return end node (4586)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API NullReferenceException while ScreenIsOpenOccurred Event (4587)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Exception "Path has an invalid format" after execution of a procedure (4602)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API ProcedureStarted event does not occurs in some TestCases (4597)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Problem with the Stop button of the TestExecutionApp (4519)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Bugs relating to the Test Execution Application (4545)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API UnitTest APP no default value for out values results in an OutOfBoundException (4607)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API UnitTest APP does not parse the expected values right (4608)
Gap/Lack OTX-Runtime-API Memory Leak at loading of PTX (4576)
Gap/Lack OTX-Runtime-API TestExecutionApplication: Support of new StatusVariableChanged Event (4579)
Gap/Lack OTX-Runtime-API Wrong exception type if the OTX/PTX file has a not supported format and cleaning up the API interface (4603)
Bug OTHERS Fehler in OTF bei gleicher Benamung von Package, Dokument und Prozedur (4542)
Bug OTHERS Speicherverlust beim Laden von PTX-Dateien (4575)
Bug OTHERS OTF hängt sich auf (3772)

Beta Release from 21.03.2016 Version

Bug Open Test Framework 5 No validation error if Message property of WriteLog is empty (4559)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 GenericScreen: Message with long text has no word wrap and exceeds the window border (4550)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Document and procedure should be able have a same name (4544)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 The TerminateLanes can stop the MutexGroup prematurely (4524)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 The MutexGroup does not run correctly when it contains a WaitForEvent (4479)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Bug of VWMCD 310.6.0.0 GetParameters() method (4469)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Wrong DiagCom.GetParameterByPath Implementation (4463)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 MVCI-Server Configuration: Exception if a D-PDU-API was deinstalled (4452)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Wrong version number in StatusBar DiagnosticRuntimeSystem tooltip (4451)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 DiagCom: Different behavior of ExecuteDiagService between DotNet and Java (4450)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 DiagCom: No design time support of ExecuteDiagService request/response parameters if GetComChannel is not in the same level (e.g. in a Group) (4449)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 OTF hangs after clicking at Stop button during a running procedure (4443)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 The MonitorChangeEventSource does not run correct when users assign the monitored variable with the same value (4441)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Error at template UnitTestPerformanceTest (4434)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 The Toolbox disappears when users switch between the view modes of the designer: Standard Layout and Maximum Work Area (4420)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 MapCreate for Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<Integer>>> throw an exeption (4411)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Problem with the generic screen when running in Debug mode (4199)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Some expressions does not displayed correctly (2703)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 SetDsaMvciServerEnviromentVariables method does not work anymore (4539)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 Default title for HMI forms (4495)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 Support both types DbDiagTroubleCode and Integer at Req-/Resp InlineMapping (4476)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 Take the Emotive.Mvci.Ra.dll with in the OTF Setup (4474)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 DiagDataBrowsingPlus support for access to FunctionalClass of DiagService (4439)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 OTF Log Refactoring (4129)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 DiagDataBrowsingPlus support for SDGs and DTCs (3978)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 Problem with the Event:GetNewValue term (4534)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 The ProcedureCall with throwExceptionOnAmbiguousCall:false does not call the the first applicable procedure in ascending alphabetic order (4522)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 Missing Exception Mapping for ExecuteDiagService (4517)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 The MatchToRegularExpression is not correct (4477)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 Can not compare some simple types (4467)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 ThresholdExceededEventSource for variables of datatytpe String (4442)
Feature OTF User Documentation OTX User Reference - Classification of pages (3153)
Gap/Lack OTF User Documentation List of used folders with access rights (4466)
Gap/Lack OTL Editor Conversion List[0]["a"] back to OTX is wrong (4541)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Cannot stop a sync running procedure. (4535)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API An exception occurs when executing a workflow with a Return on main flow (not contained in any compound node) (4485)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Exception at java runtime (4468)
Feature OTX-JavaRuntime-API Exception ClassNotFoundException: VerbauLesen.VerbauLesen$GLP_C_GetValueAsString (4482)
Feature OTX-JavaRuntime-API DEBUG: Watch variable support for JavaRuntime (4354)
Gap/Lack OTX-JavaRuntime-API Save and Close the DiagService explixitly as in C# (4558)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API It can not finish the execution of the procedure in the attached ptx (4562)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Wrong conversion of StringLiterals with method RuntimeManager.ConvertStringToValue (4549)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API The TestExecutionApp does not calculate the execution time correctly (4518)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API GenericScreen does not work anymore with HMI-Events (4499)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API InvalidCastException after execution of attached PTX (4487)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API ContextVariable InitValue is Null (4464)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API OtxRuntimeException "The value can not be null" while starting attached PTX "DME_UDS_Unterdruckdiagnose" (4377)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Project settings for Logging are not applied (4204)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API Set MVCI-Server.rdf path (4508)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API Sample Program Improvement (4465)
Gap/Lack OTX-Runtime-API Extent Sample App for cyclic execution (4494)
Main Task OTX-Runtime-API ProcessManager for performance optimization (4404)
Main Task OTX-Runtime-API PtxRunner Application for simple execution of a PTX (4234)
Bug OTHERS Fehler in OTF bei gleicher Benamung von Package, Dokument und Prozedur (4542)
Bug OTHERS Projekt lässt sich nicht mehr bearbeiten (4367)
Feature OTHERS Unbehandelte Ausnahme beim löschen einer referenzierten Prozedur (4547)

Hotfix from 31.01.2016 Version

Feature Open Test Framework 5 Search editor: Arrow forward and backward don't work (4372)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 Auto set Startup Document (4065)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 The Toolbox disappears when users switch between the view modes of the designer: Standard Layout and Maximum Work Area (4420)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 OTL documents are auto restored when start OTF will be disabled (4433)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 Check if OTF hangs at Stop-Clicking (4398)
Bug OTL Editor Problem when users replace texts by highlighting the texts and typing new texts (4181)
Bug OTL Editor A NullException occurs when users view OTL code of an unallocated document and load solution (4178)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API New OTF templates for OTX-UnitTests (4416)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API Delivery of test environment (4417)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Exception after stopping the execution (4431)
Bug OTHER Diagnose funktioniert mit älteren PTXen nicht (4380)

Hotfix from 22.01.2016 Version

Feature Open Test Framework 5 Extension of MetaDataModel by a new OtxScope "STARTUPDOCUMENT" (4364)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 New name attribute for MetaDataModel (4370)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 Automatically deinstallation in OTFSetup if already installed (4302)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 New implementation of MeasureLib for Webservice (4156)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 Project renaming improvement (4209)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 Delete the code embedding the setting files into compiled DLL (4309)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 OTX Checker: No automatic type promotion in case of Integer and Float (4217)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Wrong Rule Checker Message DiagCom_Chk102 (4375)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Problem of declarations having the identical name (3768)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 The Status bar is not refreshed after users changes the ODX Database (4353)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 It will wait forever when loading the attached solution (4349)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 MapCreate for Map<Integer, Map<Integer, List<Integer>>> throw an exeption (4411)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 Bug at opening MVCIConfiguration (4413)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 An exception occurs sometimes when users add new project (4167)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 New MetaDataModel collection item separator (4374)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 Why it takes too long to validate this? (4299)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 A Global Variable in use can be deleted when users use "Delete not used Declarations" menu (4385)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework 5 Check if the attachment runs with OTF version Java (4414)
Feature OTL Editor Supports multiple type on auto complete feature (4395)
Gap/Lack OTL Editor Improvement of null keyword and braces (4373)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Exception: Do not support term Emotive.Otx.Model.IsEqual (4400)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API Bug at GetDateTime() (4331)
Bug OTX-JavaRuntime-API NullException at attached PTX (4409)
Gap/Lack OTX-JavaRuntime-API References to global elements inside a PTX does not work (4316)
Gap/Lack OTX-JavaRuntime-API NullException at attached document (4330)
General OTX-JavaRuntime-API Creation of test application for performance measurement and protocol current state (4292)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API DotNet Test Application (4226)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API TestExecutionApp: Implement new TestProtocol schema (4365)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API New properties LayoutName and LayoutVersion for MetaData Class (4371)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API API Extension for MetaData (4225)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API ScreenParameterValueChanged event comes also after CloseScreen (4315)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API Runtime Api Refactoring (4287)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API New method Procedure.Stop and new event RuntimeManager.ProcedureStopped (4336)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API NullReferenceException after RuntimeManager.GetStartUpDocument of a cached project (4355)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API SDG MetaData does not contain the surrounded <SDG> tags (4356)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Document.MetaData Property returns NULL (4360)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Cannot execute old PTX with *.settings.xml files (4381)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Executing the attached Ptx two or more times asynchronously causes error dialog many times (4327)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API It is not correct when users reload and run the attached ptx (4407)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API MetaData Manager: Collections for ComboTable does not work (4269)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API An exception occurs when users open Ptx file (4290)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Compiler caching is based on a wrong version number (4301)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Can not execute the ExecuteDeviceService with the DLL from another project (4303)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API A NullException occurs when loading the attached Ptx (4329)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Procedure execute sync creates an exception after StopExecution (4332)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Cannot read MetaData after Project is executed once (4334)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API The RuntimePtx of the attached project causes OutOfBoundsException when being executed with RuntimeApiSample (4366)
Gap/Lack OTX-Runtime-API New RuntimeManager.ProcedureStarted Event (4368)
Gap/Lack OTX-Runtime-API Improvment of InOut-Parameter behavior (4274)
Bug OTHER Exception "Cannot find ScreenHandle" wenn ScreenParameter beim Erstellen des Screens geändert werden (4294)
Bug OTHER OtxRuntimeException "Der Wert darf nicht NULL sein" bei Start von DME_UDS_Unterdruckdiagnose (4376)
Bug OTHER Version Fehler bei der Übersetzung von älteren Abläufen (4378)
Bug OTHER Diagnose (über PFPS) funktioniert mit älteren PTXen nicht (4380)
Bug OTHER C++: ScreenParameterValueChanged-Events kommen nach "CloseScreen" Action weiterhin (4300)

Hotfix from 10.12.2015 Version

Bug Open Test Framework 5 Wrong project name in PTX index.xml (4282)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 The value of an OUT parameter should be set at procedure returning (4260)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 The OTF can not be opened and crashed when it is opened after the OTX Runtime Api Sample opened (4259)
Bug Open Test Framework 5 GetComChannel does not throw an exception if IdentifyAndSelectVariant has errors (4254)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 Refactoring the Setup projects (4238)
Feature Open Test Framework 5 Validation improvement (4218)
Feature OTX-JavaRuntime-API Improvement of trace system (2) (4244)
Feature OTX-JavaRuntime-API Generic Screen support (3971)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Problem with OTXRuntimeApi setup and OTF setup (4277)
Gap/Lack OTX-Runtime-API Improvment of InOut-Parameter behavior (4274)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Problem with Datatype ByteField (4273)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API Two new conversion methods ConvertValueToString and ConvertStringToValue in RuntimeManager (4272)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API Error at running with empty Cache (4270)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Exception when loading a PTX in Runtime Sample App (4265)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Null exception when PTX is executed (4258)
Feature OTHERS Log-Settings inkompatibel zu Version (4271)
Bug OTHERS Falsche Behandlung von InOut-Parametern (4253)
Bug OTHERS Merkwürdiges Verhalten der "Packages" Liste (4249)
Feature OTHERS Out-Parameter von Prozeduren schlagen sofort zum Aufrufer durch (4208)

Hotfix from 26.11.2015 Version

Bug Open Test Framework A NullException occurs when users copy and paste a document 2 times (4240)
Bug Open Test Framework Problem when users start or stop workflow very fast (4148)
Feature Open Test Framework OTF with VW-MCD 64-bit (3912)
Feature Open Test Framework Validation improvement (4218)
Bug Open Test Framework OTX Checker: No automatic type promotion in case of Integer and Float (4217)
Bug Open Test Framework DiagComException: Runtime system is null (4232)
Bug Open Test Framework Problem when opening the Expression Editor from the Req/Res dialog of the ExecuteDiagService (4228)
Bug Open Test Framework Bugs relating check rules and validation (3039)
Bug Open Test Framework Wrong check rule Core_Chk053 (4058)
Bug Open Test Framework Problem when users copy ProcedureCall, OpenScreen and ExecuteDeviceService (4094)
Bug Open Test Framework Problem when exporting and importing Ptx (4220)
Bug Open Test Framework Core_Chk010 at Sample Project (4231)
Bug Open Test Framework Exception in MVCI-Server Config APP if a MVCI-Server does not exists anymore (4241)
Bug Open Test Framework The OTF Runner is crashed when users run debugging a workflow and stop shortly (4242)
Feature OTX-JavaRuntime-API Generic Screen (3971)
Feature OTX-JavaRuntime-API DateTime, Math extension (4155)
Feature OTX-JavaRuntime-API Extension of screen parameter category (4161)
Feature OTX-JavaRuntime-API Improvement of trace system (4223)
Gap/Lack OTX-JavaRuntime-API Handling with opened screens when the execution ends (4239)
Main Task OTX-JavaRuntime-API Measure extension implementation (4183)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API API Extension for MetaData (4225)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API Add PtxRunner to OtxRuntimeApi Setup (4237)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API CommunicationTraceItemAdded wrong content of property traffic and name (4233)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Exception in GetMainProcedure if not PTX was loaded (4236)
Bug OTHERS Zahl ohne Komma wird nicht als Float erkannt (4212)
Gap/Lack OTHERS OTF und RuntimeAPI auf 32Bit Windows nicht einsetzbar (4229)

Hotfix from 15.11.2015 Version

Feature Open Test Framework Logging Settings extension (OEM Requirement) (2713)
Feature Open Test Framework OdxView Parameters of type eTEXTTABLE (2835)
Feature Open Test Framework Warning if try to export a invalid project to PTX (3838)
Feature Open Test Framework Project renaming improvement (4209)
Bug Open Test Framework After a while editing inside the designer the processor load increases and the validation doesn't work (4193)
Bug Open Test Framework TerminateLanes does not work proper (4198)
Bug Open Test Framework Bugs relating to debugging and Watch window (4143)
Bug Open Test Framework OTF Setup cannot unzip sample solution (4164)
Bug Open Test Framework Same variable name allowance (4168)
Bug Open Test Framework The Executable does not run any more (4210)
Bug Open Test Framework The OTF is crashed if there is an openscreen (modal = true) with an in-out parameter inside of a parallel. (2692)
Bug Open Test Framework The checkbox option to display a window for the generated Executable file does not work (4074)
Bug Open Test Framework Platform incorrect when changed language in OTF (4133)
Bug Open Test Framework Error when create new document/procedure if delete main procedure (4134)
Bug Open Test Framework The procedure in the attached Ptx can not be finished after an exception occurs (4146)
Bug Open Test Framework Can not focus on the activity in the Search Results when the activity is hidden in the collapsed compound node (4147)
Bug Open Test Framework Executing a procedure sometime throw an exception (4153)
Bug Open Test Framework The GetStackTrace does not work correctly (4165)
Bug Open Test Framework Null exception of OpenScreen (4190)
Bug Open Test Framework Problem with update reference when users modify the newly copied signature (4206)
Bug Open Test Framework Can not build the executable of the attached Ptx (4211)
Bug Open Test Framework Problem when deleting a solution and add a new similar solution (4219)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework Changes of ProcedureCall runtime behaviour when calling ProcedureSiganture (4195)
Support Open Test Framework Insert new VW-MCD 310.6.0 in setup (4216)
Bug OTL Editor OTL does not accept document version numbers with more than one digit (4222)
Gap/Lack OTX-JavaRuntime-API Changes of ProcedureCall runtime behaviour when calling ProcedureSiganture (4203)
Main Task OTX-JavaRuntime-API EventHandling extension (4189)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API Runtime Optimization of PTX (4084)
Gap/Lack OTX-Runtime-API Procedure Execution Delay Improvement (4059)
Bug OTHERS WriteLogPerformed-Event kommt nicht mehr (4201)
Bug OTHERS COM-Schnittstelle feuert "ParameterValueChanged"-Event nicht (4042)
Bug OTHERS Ablauf lässt sich nicht stoppen (4018)
Bug OTHERS Responseparameterverarbeitung im ExecuteDiagService-Node (4033)
Bug OTHERS OTL akzeptiert Versionsnummer mit mehr als 1 Stelle nicht (4221)

Hotfix from 22.10.2015 Version

Bug Open Test Framework OTF Setup cannot unzip sample solution (4164)
Bug Open Test Framework Null exception of OpenScreen (4190)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework Missing Implementation of MCDResponse.GetParameters() (4187)
Gap/Lack OTX-JavaRuntime-API Initial value of Parameter is missing (4186)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Old cache was not deleted (4171)

Hotfix from 20.10.2015 Version

Feature Open Test Framework Debugger Improvement for writing declarations (2844)
Feature Open Test Framework New tool window "Watch" (2850)
Feature Open Test Framework DiagCom Inline-Mapping: Support of dynamic Request Parameters (3512)
Feature Open Test Framework DiagCom: Import of StepByIndex within Inline-Mapping (3513)
Bug Open Test Framework Execution Deadlock with Others OTX sequence (4139)
Bug Open Test Framework Validation Bug (4137)
Bug Open Test Framework Cannot create setup projects in DeliveryObfuscated4VW (4159)
Bug Open Test Framework The result of ToString(StringValue) is not correct (4144)
Bug Open Test Framework OTF Setup cannot unzip sample solution (4164)
Bug Open Test Framework The OTF is crashed if there is an openscreen (modal = true) with an in-out parameter inside of a parallel. (2692)
Bug Open Test Framework Validating solution does not display the errors and warnings of the referred Ptx (3521)
Bug Open Test Framework The GetStackTrace does not work correctly (4165)
Bug Open Test Framework Problem with Application-Id using invalid DLL (4174)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework Handling with opened screens when the execution ends (4051)
Feature OTL Editor Improve the Search function of the OTL Editor (4157)
Feature OTX-JavaRuntime-API Generic Screen (3971)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Exception OpenScreen with registered Events (4158)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Event ContextVariableRead isn't fired (4169)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Exception related to ContextMapping (4170)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Some bugs when extracting and loading ptx (4172)
Gap/Lack OTX-Runtime-API Rebuild PTX if the DLLs is outdated (4173)
Gap/Lack OTX-Runtime-API Property TypeCode in RuntimeManager should be invisible to the user (4182)
Feature Others DiagMetaData AccessPath Unterstützung auch für globale Deklarationen (3847)
Feature Others Visualisierung von Datentypen (3940)
Bug Others ContextVariableRead-Event wird nicht gefeuert, wenn PTX aus dem Cache läuft (4166)
Bug Others Initialisierung von Variablen bei Out-Parametern einer Prozedur (3812)
Bug Others Runtime API funktioniert nur mit Admin-Rechten (4171)
Bug Others Speichern Button im Schnellzugriff (3804)
Bug Others Exception nach löschen von Überwachungsvariablen (3807)
Bug Others Sporadischer OTF Absturz nach Laden eines größeren Projekts (3907)
Bug Others Absturz des OTF beim PTX Export (3942)
Bug Others Fehlermeldung nach Änderung von Globalen Variablen (3805)
Bug Others Exception bei Services verschiedener Varianten trotz PerformVariantSelection=true (3854)
Bug Others Fehlermeldung "Nicht genügend Speicher vorhanden" (3989)
Gap/Lack Others Aktualisierung der OTX Runtime: Kopieren der DLLs reicht nicht aus (4000)
Gap/Lack Others Nach der Erzeugung eines LL wird kein StartCommunication aufgerufen (3904)
Gap/Lack Others Performance: Ladezeiten beim ersten Ausführen einer OTX 1.0 Prozedur (4030)
Gap/Lack Others OTX-Datei vom PFPS nicht von PTX unterscheidbar (4067)

Release from 13.10.2015 Version

Feature Open Test Framework Visualisation improvement of ExecuteDiagService (3936)
Feature Open Test Framework Debugger Improvement for writing declarations (2844)
Feature Open Test Framework Template management improvement (3561)
Feature Open Test Framework Runtime environment information on status bar (3919)
Feature Open Test Framework Improvement for the Runtime Scope (2984)
Feature Open Test Framework Modify the ExecutableForm (3759)
Feature Open Test Framework Auto set Startup Document (4065)
Bug Open Test Framework WriteLog Target property assigned to a variable will not be saved (4114)
Bug Open Test Framework Property was not saved (4127)
Bug Open Test Framework Validation Bug (4137)
Bug Open Test Framework Can not read the D-PDU-API interfaces (4012)
Bug Open Test Framework Problem with the OTF Trace Runtime function (4118)
Bug Open Test Framework Complicated bug (4131)
Bug Open Test Framework Bugs relating to debugging and Watch window (4143)
Bug Open Test Framework The result of ToString(StringValue) is not correct (4144)
Bug Open Test Framework Bugs relating to Search and Replace (2999)
Bug Open Test Framework Procedure Out-/InOut-Parameter InitialValue is not set (3840)
Bug Open Test Framework Encode, Decode (3980)
Bug Open Test Framework Memory Increases unlimited with a hugh number of trace lines (4057)
Bug Open Test Framework A NullException occurs when users open the ODX Diagnostic Data Settings and there is no MVCI-Server found in the system (4061)
Bug Open Test Framework ExecuteDeviceService (4101)
Bug Open Test Framework A NullException occurs when users drag a DiagService from ODX tree to create ExecuteDiagService (4107)
Bug Open Test Framework Some bugs of Search and Replace function (4108)
Bug Open Test Framework A NullException occurs when open file ptx that name format is ptxname .ptx( e.g: P1 .ptx). (4110)
Bug Open Test Framework An NullExeption occurs when run BrowsePdx project without database. (4112)
Bug Open Test Framework Appropriate error when no odx project found (4116)
Bug Open Test Framework Bugs relating to MVCI-Server Configuration application (4119)
Bug Open Test Framework Some problems with Map activities (4121)
Bug Open Test Framework Problem with the remaining check rules of the deleted document (4122)
Bug Open Test Framework The Finally of Handler can not be executed in the Parallel (4123)
Bug Open Test Framework OTF OutOfMemoryException (4124)
Bug Open Test Framework Problem when loading DiagCom activities (4125)
Bug Open Test Framework New created procedure can not record the ECU Group information (4128)
Bug Open Test Framework Platform incorrect when changed language in OTF (4133)
Bug Open Test Framework Error when create new document/procedure if delete main procedure (4134)
Bug Open Test Framework A NullException occurs when users focus on the Solution node and change the screen mapping in the Ribbon menu (4135)
Bug Open Test Framework The procedure in the attached Ptx can not be finished after an exception occurs (4146)
Bug Open Test Framework Can not focus on the activity in the Search Results when the activity is hidden in the collapsed compound node (4147)
Bug Open Test Framework Problem when users start or stop workflow very fast (4148)
Bug Open Test Framework Executing a procedure sometime throw an exception (4153)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework MutexGroup usage only inside parallel (3883)
Gap Open Test Framework PFPS implement new DiagLibCom (4106)
Gap/Lack Open Test Framework Not implementing GetComplexComParameter yet (4109)
Feature OTL Editor New context menu to re-format the OTL code (3753)
Bug OTL Editor The OTF will be crashed when users enter new row and type some text (4141)
Bug OTL Editor The ValidFor attribut of Sleep activity will not saved in OTL (4138)
Bug OTL Editor Problem when users enter the items of ListCreate (3857)
Bug OTL Editor Context menu "Open document folder" not work in Tab (4113)
Bug Others OTX Runtime greift auf VW-MCD zu, obwohl Diagnose über PFPS konfiguriert ist (4066)
Bug Others COM-Schnittstelle feuert "ParameterValueChanged"-Event nicht (4042)
Bug Others InOut-Parameter können über die COM-Schnittstelle nicht mit Werten versorgt werden (4064)
Gap/Lack Others Aktualisierung der OTX Runtime: Kopieren der DLLs reicht nicht aus (4000)
Gap/Lack Others Performance: einige Sekunden vom Start der Procedure bis zum Eintreffen des ersten Diagnosebefehls (4029)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Exception at starting (4126)
Gap/Lack OTX-Runtime-API Turning Off variable trace, communication trace (4102)
Gap/Lack OTX-Runtime-API Why this otx doesn't work with debug mode (4105)
Gap/Lack OTX-Runtime-API Writing Otf-Version in manifest of the output file from Otf (4120)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API Runtime Optimization of PTX (4084)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API Improvement of of normal PTX at 2. loading (4132)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API Sample Programm Improvement (3923)
Feature OTX-Runtime-API Tracer of method CreateNewRuntimeSystem need more clearly (4086)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API COM interface doesn't fire event ParameterValueChanged (4075)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Exception if OpenScreenOccured is registered (4142)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Updating OTX-Runtime by coping the DLLs (4003)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API After cleaning and rebuild the main branch the OTX-Runtime API sample APP cannot start (4089)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Problem with the buttons 'New RuntimeManager instance' and 'New Instance in new Thread' (4145)
Bug OTX-Runtime-API Bugs relating Runtime Api Sample (3983)

Hotfix from 07.07.2015 Version

Feature: More information about a damaged PTX while opening
Feature: Improvement of ODX dialog: More information at errors of ODX runtime system
Feature: ODX-View improvement: Now it is possible to copy the ShortName of elements into clipboard (right mouse key)
Feature: Refactoring of OTF Trace file handling
Feature: New version of VW-MCD 310.5.1 included
Bug: Request-/Response-Parameter dialog does not support FlashJobs
Bug: Error at creating template ptxt
Bug: Exception if open OTF and the Instruction page is at top most

Hotfix from 18.05.2015 Version

Feature: Improvement of OTF trace file handling
Bug: Wrong implementation of OTX Subtract term.

Minuend and Subtrahend are reversed. Inside EMOTIVE environment this bug has no effects. This bug is only relevant, if files should be exchanged!
Important Consequence: OTX files with Subtract term generated before this version should not be exchanged with other tools.

Solution: To resolve this problem old projects need to be loaded and saved once in the new OTF version! The bug will be resolved automatically.

Bug: Cannot execute a FlashJob because Flash session not set
Bug: Exception, while extracting a procedure inside the designer at ExecuteDiagService
Bug: OTX-Runtime API: Synchronous procedure execution blocks main thread
Bug: OTX-Runtime API: MVCI-Servers are not listed in RuntimeManager.DiagRuntimeSystems Property

Hotfix from 04.05.2015 Version

Feature: Changing selected node also at mouse dragging
Bug: OTX-Runtime API: Synchronous procedure execution blocks main thread
Bug: An exception occurs when users bind variable for the dynamic response of the ExecuteDiagService in Offline mode
Bug: 'Unable to compile the generated code' exception occurs when users bind DocumentVariables to the Response Parameters of the ExecuteDiagService
Bug: Implementation of missing eBitField support of ExecuteDiagService InlineMapping

Hotfix from 14.04.2015 Version

Bug: An exception occurs when users open a procedure containing an empty LogicXor
Bug: Exception in Condition Editor
Bug: Wrong response parameter structure

Hotfix from 23.03.2015 Version

Feature: Support of dynamic Request Parameters for DiagCom Inline-Mapping
Feature: Refactoring Request/Response-Parameter dialog of ExecuteDiagService Activity
Feature: ConditionEditor: Grouping of declarations
Feature: New "Break" Button for Debugger
Feature: Improved export menu in Solution Explorer
Feature: Template management improvement: New Templates can be added
Feature: Save and restore zoom value and position of the visible area of each opened procedure
Bug: Refactoring of RequestParam Default values. If a RequestParam has a default value, no value have to be adjusted. The MVCI-Server will use the default value.
Bug: Exception when switching a designer tab
Bug: Optional elements should not appear in OTX documents for initial terms and ActionRelisations
Bug: Watch window: the old inputted value of a variable is used although the variable is assigned a new value
Bug: Problem when inputting a declaration with the name starting with 2 underscores "__name"
Bug: Exception when new Locale in activity TranslateToLocale
Bug: Overview image isn't updated at procedure switching
Bug: Exception: Open a PTX via "Open Project..."
Bug: Button "Display main elements" in solution explorer hides declarations in declaration explorer
Bug: IfBranch-Designer cuts long conditions
Bug: Licensing: Manual deactivation does not work anymore
Bug: Copy and Paste of ExecuteDiagService with variables bound does not work
Bug: Not refresh ODXView of current procedure at database synchronization
Bug: An exception occurs when users add another realisation to the Group node
Bug: An exception will occur when a Device Service Signature mapping to project dll that returns measurement is executed twice
Bug: MutexGroup and Throw cause deadlock
Bug: Statusbar Zoom Slider is not updated
Bug: The order of designer tabs changes automatically
Bug: Debugger: the selected activity is not deselected when clicked on start/continue (F5)
Bug: ODXView cannot change grouping

Release from 03.03.2015 Version

Feature: OTL-Editor (Professional Version only)
Feature: External application to configure all supported MVCI-Server and D-PDU-API's
Feature: New Overview Window for workflow designer
Feature: Supports offline execution of DiagCom activities (without car connection)
Feature: Support of Quick-Access Buttons inside designer activities for the quick access to often used properties (e.g. ProcedureCall arguments or ExecuteDiagService ResponseParameter dialog)
Feature: New Meta-Data Manager for the managing of self defined Meta-Data structures
Feature: Converting a OTX document and all its referenced documents in a single OTX document for exchanging
Feature: Support of MVCI-Server of RA-Consulting GmbH
Feature: Support of MVCI-Server of SIEMENS (D-Kernel)
Feature: In DEBUG mode the watch window now displays changes of declarations during execution
Feature: OTF Installer incl. VW-MCD
Feature: Improved import of foreign OTX documents
Feature: Improved Template support
Feature: Improved Logging runtime
Feature: Support of Screens in Screen of the GenericScreen implementation
Feature: New grouping of DiagServices in ODX-View: "By Semantic" and "By SID"
Feature: OTX-Runtime is executed in an own process
Feature: Support of "Easy Mode" to switch ON/OFF Expert and None-Expert mode
Feature: New OTX Utils Extension with the following terms: StringFormat, TermIsEmpty, ListIndexOf, ListReverse, ListSort, DeepMonitorChangeEventSource, ...
Feature: Many other minor improvements
Bug: Elimination of all known bugs and limitations