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Name CreateResult
Short Description Creates a result object
Class Term
Extension OTX Job extension
Group Job related terms
Exceptions InvalidParameterizationException
Checker Rules -
Standard Compliant Yes

OTL Syntax

ResultTerm Job.CreateResult(DiagServiceValue diagService, StringTerm codeDescription, StringTerm VendorCodeDescription, ResultTypes resultType, SeverityTypes severity, Integer errorCode, Integer vendorCode);


The CreateResult term creates a Result object that can be returned to the caller of the OTX job sequence.

Return Value

The Term returns the value, see table below.

Icons Note.png In OTX, Terms are categorized according to its return data type!
Data Type Description
Result A Result object that can be returned to the caller of the OTX job sequence.


Name Data Type Class Default Cardinality Description
ResultType ResultTypes Value REQUEST_AND_RESPONSE [0..1] The type of result which shall be created. The allowed values ​​are defined by the ResultTypes enumeration, as ResultTypes = {REQUEST | RESPONSE | REQUEST_AND_RESPONSE}. If the attribute is not set, the default value REQUEST_AND_RESPONSE shall apply implicitly.
Severity SeverityTypes Value ERROR [0..1] A severity which shall be associated with the result (if applicable). The allowed values ​​are defined by the enumeration SeverityTypes where SeverityTypes = {ERROR | FATAL_ERROR | MESSAGE | TERMINATE | WARNING}. If the attribute is not set, the default value ERROR shall apply implicitly.
ErrorCode Integer - - [0..1] An error code which shall be associated with the result (if applicable).
VendorCode Integer - - [0..1] A vendor code which shall be associated with the result (if applicable).
DiagService DiagService Value - [1] Represents the DiagService on which the term operates and which the result shall be tailored to.
CodeDescription String Term - [0..1] A code description which shall be associated with the error code of the result (if applicable).
VendorCodeDescription String Term - [0..1] A vendor code description to be associated with the vendor code of the result (if applicable).

OTL Examples

/// Local Declarations

DiagCom.Result Result1;
DiagCom.DiagService DiagService1;

/// Flow

Result1 = Job.CreateResult(DiagService1, "Description", "VenderCode", @ResultTypes:REQUEST_AND_RESPONSE, @SeverityTypes:ERROR, 0, 0);

See also
