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Name CloseScreen
Short Description Dismisses screen and release all associated resources
Class Action
Extension OTX HMI extension
Group Custom screen related actions
Exceptions -
Checker Rules -
Standard Compliant Yes

OTL Syntax

HMI.CloseScreen(ScreenVariable screen);


The CloseScreen activity will cause the runtime system to dismiss the screen and release all resources associated to the screen.

After the execution of the CloseScreen action, the screen will not send any more events for processing to the OTX sequence and will not allow any more user interaction to be performed.

Closing an uninitialized or already closed screen will perform no operation and report no errors. It will be for all effects a NOP.


Name Data Type Class Default Cardinality Description
Screen Screen Variable - [1] This element represents the screen handle of the screen that will be closed.

OTL Examples

/// Signatures

package HMI.ScreenSignature ScreenSignature1(ref Integer ScreenInOutParameter1);

/// Global Declarations

public procedure main()
	/// Local Declarations

	HMI.Screen ScreenHandle1;
	Integer Integer1;

	/// Flow

	HMI.OpenScreen(ScreenHandle1, ScreenSignature1, {ScreenInOutParameter1 = Integer1}, false);

See also
