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Name IsComplexParameter
Short Description Checks if the parameter is of complex type
Class Term
Extension OTX DiagDataBrowsing extension
Group DiagDataBrowsing terms
Exceptions -
Checker Rules -
Standard Compliant Yes

OTL Syntax

BooleanTerm DiagDataBrowsing.IsComplexParameter(ParameterTerm Parameter);


IsComplexParameter will return TRUE if and only if the given parameter neither represents a string, Boolean, numeric nor bytefield value according to its definition in the diagnostic data base.

Icons Note.png NOTE — In the case of a MVCI/ODX based system, it returns True whether the value of this parameter is of one of the following MCDDataType: eEND_OF_PDU, eENVDATA, eENVDATADESC, eFIELD, eMULTIPLEXER, eSTRUCTURE, eTABLE_ROW.

Return Value

The Term returns the value, see table below.

Icons Note.png In OTX, Terms are categorized according to its return data type!
Data Type Description
Boolean Returns TRUE if exactly then the specified parameter is a value of complex type as defined in the diagnostic database


Name Data Type Class Default Cardinality Description
Parameter Parameter Term - [1] The element addresses the name of the request or response parameter to be type-tested.

OTL Examples

/// Local Declarations

DiagCom.ComChannel ComChannel1;
DiagCom.DiagService DiagService1;
DiagCom.Parameter Parameter1;
DiagCom.Request Request1;
Boolean Boolean1 = false;
List<String> List1;

/// Flow

ComChannel1 = DiagCom.GetComChannel("LL_AllEmissRelatUDSSyste", NULL, false);
DiagService1 = DiagCom.CreateDiagServiceByName(ComChannel1, "DiagnServi_ReadDataByIdentActuaTestStatu");
List1 = DiagDataBrowsing.GetRequestParameterList(DiagService1);
Request1 = DiagCom.GetRequest(DiagService1);
Parameter1 = DiagCom.GetParameterByPath(Request1, {List1[0]});
Boolean1 = DiagDataBrowsing.IsComplexParameter(Parameter1);

See also
