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Name IsVariant
Short Description Compares the name of the ECU variant associated with the communication channel
Class Term
Extension OTX DiagCom extension
Group ComChanel related terms
Exceptions -
Checker Rules -
Standard Compliant Yes

OTL Syntax

BooleanTerm DiagCom.IsVariant(ComChannelTerm comChannel, StringTerm ecuVariantName);


The IsVariant term is used to compare the name of the ECU variant associated with the communication channel with the given variant name. It accepts a communication channel handle as well as the name of the ECU variant in question. The result is true or false depending on whether the ECU variant name equals the ComChannel identifier or not.

Icons Note.png In case a MVCI/ODX system is used the variant attribute specifies the SHORT-NAME of the MCDDbEcuVariant to be queried.

Return Value

The Term returns the value, see table below.

Icons Note.png In OTX, Terms are categorized according to its return data type!
Data Type Description
Boolean Return true if the ECU variant name equals the ComChannel identifier, false otherwise.


Name Data Type Class Default Cardinality Description
ComChannel ComChannel Term - [1] The ComChannelTerm represents the communication channel which will be evaluated.
EcuVariantName String Term - [1] The StringTerm specifies the ECU variant name to be compared with the ECU variant associated with the communication channel.

OTL Examples

/// Local Declarations

DiagCom.ComChannel ComChannel1;
Boolean Boolean1 = false;

/// Flow

ComChannel1 = DiagCom.GetComChannel("LL_EnginContrModul1UDS", "", false);
Boolean1 = DiagCom.IsVariant(ComChannel1, "EV_ECM30TFS021XSG1_001");

See also
